I visited Thuto Lesedi Secondary school on 14th December 2011. The school was preparing for the end of the academic year. Teachers were busy marking examination papers. Pupils had already started drifting away from attending school.
The school invited all the sponsored pupils to come and meet with me. Mr Madi, the Principal, attended. We had a pleasant meeting they were all looking forward to the holidays. The Christmas gifts of money from WFTISA brought smiles even to those pupils who seemed subdued. All recipients asked me to convey their gratitude to WFTISA and its supporters. The gifts were a very pleasant and welcome surprise. I was happy that I had been able to deliver it before Christmas.
During our conversations, two confident Matriculates (year 12) waiting for their examination results, shared their career choices with us. One had applied to join the police service and the other hoped to study radiography at Tshwane University of technology.
Mrs Maphuti, the teacher who co-ordinates the food program, and Rev Hlobelo, joined us at the end of our gathering. Mrs Maphuti reiterated the view that providing lunch and food packs contributed to improved student performance. However, she was concerned that the number of those needing to be fed was growing.
Mmapula Tladi- Small. January 2012